"Circle Twelve Introduces New Video Conferencing and Immersive Multi-user Collaboration System", Business Wire, 25 September 2013
"Circle Twelve Announces Software Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat, Enabling Multi-user Functionality on the DiamondTouch Table", Business Wire, 12 September 2013
"Multi-User DiamondTouch Touchscreen Display Honored at ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology for “Lasting Impact” ", Business Wire, 12 October 2012
"Samsung's defense against Apple patents begins with DiamondTouch table", by Sean Buckley, Engadget, 13 August 2012
"Circle Twelve Selected to Leading Industry Analyst Firm's 'Cool Vendor' List", Business Wire, 12 May 2012

"Spreading the Virtual World", by Dawn Lim, NextGov, 21 May 2010.

"Plato's Cave", 39 Interactive - KIAH-TV, 16 September 2009.

"SolidWorks supports Cambridge students in developing a touchscreen application", by Karl-Ullrich Höltkemeier, Konstruktions Praxis, 2 August 2009.
"Researchers Use Multi-user Touch Screen to Help Children with Autism", BusinessWire, 07 May 2009.

"Touched by a Multi-Touch World", by Art Kalinski, GeoSpatial Solutions, 10 March 2009
"三菱電機のマルチユーザー対応タッチ・センサ技術,GISシステムに応用", NIKKEI Tech-On, 03 September 2008.
"Circle Twelve announces software plug-in for ESRI ArcGIS, enabling multi-touch, multi-user functionality on the DiamondTouch table", BusinessWire, 02 September 2008.
"Hands-On Computing: How Multi-Touch Screens Could Change the Way We Interact with Computers and Each Other", by Stuart F. Brown, Scientific American, June 2008.
"Circle Twelve Inc announces exclusive license to multi-touch, multi-user DiamondTouch technology", BusinessWire, 12 June 2008.
"What a start-up brings to table - Massachusetts firm goes head-to-head with Microsoft in a nascent niche market", by Scott Kirsner, Boston Globe, 13 April 2008
"Display Demo Night at Cambridge Innovation Center", by Scott Kirsner, Innovation Economy, 15 February 2008
"Give your computer the finger: Touch-screen tech comes of age", by Gary Anthes, ComputerWorld, 01 February 2008